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Designer Luxury Replica Hermes Bags | Replica Fendi Bags At Discounted PriceIt’s summer, which is the perfect season to prepare for the winter. hermes replica bags has just unveiled a couple new handbags for the next collection. And oh boy, it’s obsession again. In this post, we will be talking about the top 3 bags from the Fall Winter 2018 Runway that we think it’s worth your time. So let’s start. Before you decide to spend it all this summer, keep some budget for the end of the year. Because Hermes will be releasing a fresh flap bag that will make your brain go wild. It’s a curved-shaped handbag with a front flap. The shape reminds me of the Constance Wallet, but it features a new logo on the front. The logo is designed with 5 blocks, creating the letter ‘H’ for Hermes. The logo is also colored! This flap bag comes with a leather strap for shoulder carry. The strap is embellished with the same color as the bag. And also, there are different leathers and colors available. Not long ago, we talked about the Replica Fendi Bags. The Bolide 1923 is an updated and a modernized version of the original Bolide Bag. And for the next season, there will be even more fresher styles available. We’re spotting the Bolide 1923 Bag in soft suede. It will also be released with a boho-chic studded leather strap (so not only in leather). This bag is not only practical, but the classic design makes it the perfect choice for any occasion. How about as a working bag? Hermes entered the Bucket Bag market with the Sac De Pansage Bag. But it wasn’t enough to trigger our obsession to its max. So they have created a better version, a more luxurious version! Built with leather, embellished with stylish components yet maintaining a classic appeal. The Bucket Bag comes with adjustable handle, but we also think that it comes with a shoulder strap. Really exciting! |