Luxury And Affordable Replica Prada Bags For Sale>A special gift edition by replica prada bags – a mini shoulder bag, the size of a wallet and made with an extractable, adjustable leather strap. Can you wish for a better gift? The Hermes Replica Bags is different than what we are used to. It comes with a front flap that has a shape like an envelope. And their Saffiano leather needs no introduction; it’s reliable, durable and above all, it holds shape: Made in bi-color that matches, the front flap is printed with metal lettering logo – ‘Prada Milano’. Use the snap closure to open the bag and surprise yourself by the generous interior – three document pockets, 6 credit card slots and one compartment with zipper to store your coins. All Prada Lettering Mini Flap Bags are crafted in golden-plated hardware. Measuring 17 x 11 (L x H) cm, priced at $710 USD or €540 euro’s via Prada e-store. |